The Missing Investigation Concerning Grant Cardone and Milton Katselas
Friday the 13th is today. With its ominous tone, I write about people who fell to death far too soon and far too needlessly.
In my last blog entry, “Where is Jeremiah Deering?” I mentioned that I arrived to Celebrity Centre International after having worked at Bridge Publications. It happened way back in the summer of 1998.
Bridge Publications and Celebrity Centre International are just a few miles away from each other. Bridge Publications is located in Los Angeles, and Celebrity Centre International is on the edge of Hollywoodland.
Bridge Publications, back then, was entirely focused upon sales of the books made from L. Ron Hubbard’s writings. Celebrity Centre International has been known as “Diana’s Org” from a letter penned by Ron where he lovingly called CCI “Diana’s Org”. Its focus is upon uplifting those who uplift the world with Scientology.
Milton Katselas was the highest ranking field Scientologist in the history of Celebrity Centre. Milton was the founder and director of The Beverly Hills Playhouse. Michelle Pfeiffer once was Milton Katselas’ student, and that means the world, folks.
Milton had a reputation of hanging with the man himself, L. Ron Hubbard. It made sense that he talked about Scientology openly in classwork. A few times every week, students of the BHP would take the Personality Tests at Celebrity Centre International. Some people would continue on, taking some coursework or going into Scientology spiritual counseling. Between 1998 and 2002, I was the administrator of those beginning courses and counseling services they were all taking.
Later, between 2002 and 2008, I was the administrator for the church’s Field Staff Member Program.
Milton Katselas had 548 people who had started on courses and Scientology spiritual processing. Remarkably, every one of them were professional actors attending his academy in L.A. They were each smart, handsome or beautiful, and going somewhere with their careers.
I knew this because I counted the numbers up every year. I was aware of every person starting their first service in Scientology at CCI during those years, as well as any person progressing along on other services inside the church. That would follow my work in paying a small percentage of their course fee to the person who had brought them into the church. It is the Field Staff Member program developed by L. Ron Hubbard himself.
Who did a course or received auditing is certainly all confidential information. However, when something illegal or inappropriate happens inside the church, L. Ron Hubbard gave specific orders to publicly investigate what took place. After that, the church is mandated to publish publicly and broadly the results of the investigation.
That way, the Church of Scientology stays clean. All the people donating to the Church of Scientology know who caused the trouble. It is a fairly routine action. It can be used inside any group to clear things up and get people feeling okay about each other again.
But when I arrived in 1998, the Commanding Officer of the church, Mr. Dave Petit, used terrible scare practices in every staff get-together to challenge the authority of International Management, plus demand retribution of any staff member on his property should they say a word against his authority. This created a group of mindless zombies. That’s where I was working at, back then.
In rolls superb salesman Grant Cardone. With his two pedigree dogs, and a twin identical brother called Gary, Mr. Grant Cardone parks himself in one of the suites located inside of The Manor Hotel. Cardone’s very close BFF is none other than Maria Ferrara, exclusively. Ferrara was in the President’s Office at Celebrity Centre International. One day, later, she became the President, too.
Cardone is charismatic. He has an entire repertoire of sales tools. Only thing is, L. Ron Hubbard left directions on sales inside his own writings. From the first word, Cardone was undercutting L. Ron Hubbard’s sales technology. I witnessed it that way inside Celebrity Centre since, oh, about 2002.
Literally, Grant Cardone’s technology of sales is used by Church of Scientology staff members over the written directions by L. Ron Hubbard. Cardone’s work is used by church staff who don’t understand the inherent silliness of doing that.
Some time in the early 2000’s, Cardone wanted Elena Lyons. She was enrolled with Milton at the BHP. Suddenly, the Scientology world was aghast at the “terrible person” Milton Katselas turned out to be. It went on for some time. People were angry at the Church of Scientology. They were angry about Milton Katselas. They were fighting in the halls. All of it centered around Cardone chasing Elena Lyons.
One afternoon, at my desk, a voice came calling in my head. I stood up, walked to the parking lot, got into my little buggy of a car with its clashing hood, and drove to Milton Katselas’ home located some miles down Sunset Boulevard. I admit, I had his address because it was in the computer system.
I knocked on the door. A strange woman answered whom I had never met before. I told her, “I’m Corinne. I work at Celebrity Centre International. I need to speak with Milton.”
She told me he was very ill. I asked her to please check in with him. She went away and returned.
“I guess you can come in.”
There were three people in the kitchen area, and I knew one of them and bid him hello. The woman directed me into Milton’s room. I walked into the bedroom. Milton was propped up on his pillows. He was wearing a blue robe. He looked distant, but it was the first time I had ever spoken to him so perhaps that was his own thing. He was like a legend to me.
I said, “You are the top field Scientologist in the history of Celebrity Centre. I wanted to say thank-you for all of your hard work. Normally, I only get to talk to your people. I wanted to tell you myself that you are the most productive person we have.”
He didn’t say anything. He just glowered at me. Then I said, “I came over to let you know I counted all the numbers up. It’s the truth.”
He mumbled thank-you. I didn’t have anything else to say. I stood to leave. Then I told him one last thing before I said good-bye. I said, “You were always a friend for L. Ron Hubbard. He would have been very disappointed to see you treated unfairly. If you feel like a mistake is being made, you can ask me for help anytime. I will drop everything for you, and I mean that. I think you’ll find out you have a lot of friends, still, inside CC.”
Milton passed away. I was told it was completely unexpected.
I was dismayed because he was being loudly talked about in a negative way across the mouths of hundreds of people in the year leading up to his unexpected death. I feel like if he was comfortable, or happy with his team helping him, he would have lived a while longer than that.
It would have been standard Scientology to conduct an investigation and publicly publish the results rather than to allow Grant Cardone and Elena Lyons to make a spectacle about Milton Katselas inside Celebrity Centre, for their personal love story. Even if there was true guilt on either side, the published findings would make everyone feel better. Instead, it’s left a screaming mess in everyone’s mind.
A lot of people truly admired Milton Katselas. He was never given a fair public acknowledgement for helping the church in light of the abuse he suffered later on.
In 2009, I was miraculously posted as the President of the Church of Scientology & Celebrity Centre Nashville. It actually happened that I was invited within a short time of my visit to Milton’s home.
In summer of 2009, when Nashville was really getting started, Maria Ferrara organized to bring Cardone to Tennessee. I organized a room of 76 people for Grant Cardone to speak to.
I took the heat listening to Cardone detail sexual exploits of a serious nature. He referred to it as “burning wood”. The jokes went on and on, in the auditorium of Celebrity Centre Nashville, that day. It was like one of those afternoons where the minutes tick slow enough to drool.
Then, like a scourge, all of the staff in Nashville were engrossed reading all of Grant Cardone’s literature instead of taking the courses by L Ron Hubbard, like I did, to learn about sales and marketing. They had paid Grant Cardone for these directly on his website.
Was I permitted authority to take tackle these incredibly serious issues with Cardone?
Cardone’s favorite people were in other circles. They were able to sideswipe my role in Nashville.
Enough said.
Final word:
I am so relieved that in the course of my life I helped many people study Scientology books and take courses. I helped them to receive Scientology spiritual counseling and I did a lot of work to make it easy for them to bring friends into the Church of Scientology.
Scientology is “knowing how to know,” and it was amazing every time to see someone become more aware about themselves.
What IS factually sinister is this: I occasionally witnessed persons inside the Church of Scientology able to take and use confidential information for their own personal benefit. This is the source of my nightmares. I went toe-to-toe with very evil personnel.
I witnessed use of the Church of Scientology by Brandi and Peggy Crawford to forcefully extract millions from church go’ers. Both received pay benefits and Peggy received about 10% commission on at least half of the money she and Brandi together heisted. Brandi used her role at the Church of Scientology International to defame me and my family, and many, many others.
There ARE personnel in high positions inside the Church of Scientology today who have been involved in severe human trafficking between The Delphian School, Bridge Publications, and Celebrity Centre International. The main tools I witnessed are sexual innuendos and perversions towards minors and threatening the livelihood of family members of minors.
Some outside force is needed to restore the integrity of the Sea Organization. Otherwise, people’s secrets are spread everywhere.
Even worse, I witnessed irresponsible children of Scientologists move up the ranks and even start writing fake worksheets in order to cover their trail. L. Ron Hubbard created an amazing infrastructure that works. Unfortunately, what doesn’t work anymore is stringent qualifications of people allowed to access internal data pools. I am referring to Tiffany Ott Boswell, the sister of the headmaster of The Delphian School, Trevor Ott. This is extremely illegal activity. It has resulted in death.