Sky Fuller, Where Are You Now?

              Sky Fuller is an amazing person.

              He was a heavy-set youth. He walked on the balls of his feet. There was a sense of awkward agility in the way he carried himself. With a handsome face and very clean presentation, he was a nice person to work alongside of. Incredibly cordial. Very diffident. Easy to talk to. Extreme bike enthusiast and hiker, too.

              Sky Fuller set everyone’s teeth on edge at Celebrity Centre International when he first arrived. It might have been around 2000? I don’t know the exact time.

              He was the son of the oldest living Sea Org member in the history of Scientology. Sky actually followed L. Ron Hubbard’s petition policy. Specifically, Sky worked with the organization’s LRH Communicator to do an amends program based on the contents of his Ethics File. He completed it, and it was accepted by the LRH Communicator. Next, he destroyed his own Ethics File, which is covered exactly in the Policy Letter. He did it himself because he was the Director of Inspections and Reports, there at Celebrity Centre International.

              However, the Security Force went into hysterics about him having access to his own Ethics File. That’s just those men being SP and that’s it. The Security Force, back in those days, used the contents of Ethics Files to randomly foist their version of discipline on anyone. In Ron’s book of policy, anyone can look in their own Ethics File, of course. In fact, you had better do it in case someone is attacking you without your knowledge.

              Sky actually did what L. Ron Hubbard directed every Scientologist to do if they didn’t want to continuously have ethics situations arise, due to the contents of their Ethics File.

              The Security Force tried to get serious ethics actions taken against Sky. They were a group of large, strong men who liked to shove Scientologists around, whenever they could. Sky was removed from his executive post and placed as a Course Supervisor in the Celebrity Centre Academy.

              Their ability to achieve that, against Sky’s life, is the entire evidence of illegal activity at Celebrity Centre International. (And, yes, they shoved me around a lot, too.)

              As an Academy Course Supervisor, Sky progressively completed every single course of study the church offered. No one had done this in the history of Celebrity Centre.

              His course room consisted of two rooms. They were overrun with students every course period. They moved tables and chairs into the hallway to accommodate the people who studied in his courseroom. He was trusted and loved dearly. This went on and on, for ten years. Sky wasn’t allowed to ever move from that position. He was condemned and ridiculed there by both Dave Petit as well as the Security Force.

             The last time I saw Sky was in 2009. It was just before I departed Los Angeles to work in Nashville, Tennessee. He might have been married to Judith Cortez at the time. She was one of the prettiest and most cordial ladies from Mexico royalty, I always imagined. They were very in love, it seemed to me. But when I returned, Sky had left permanently. I was told he had been prevented from taking a day off for several years—and that the Security Force and Dave Petit routinely cancelled his hygiene time on Sundays, too. It made me feel very sad for Judith because she was so precious whenever she talked about Sky. She was so happy to be married.

And, so, I have not seen Sky since 2009. I haven’t succeeded in finding him on social media. It would be wonderful to have an opportunity to say hello to Sky Fuller, James Fuller’s amazing son. If you know of him, tell him to reach out to me here.


Ashley Fuller’s Suicide Death


The Loss of A Friend, John Mustard