The Article 27 Music Project

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At The Time Stacy Moxon Meyer Was Deceased

If you have read my blog entries today, this Friday the 13th, you know that there was a certain amount of sexual pressure by Brandon and Derek Faust towards me and my life when I started in the Sea Organization in 1996, at seventeen years old. I was living in Oregon with my family and then, suddenly, I was living in a Sea Org berthing in Los Angeles, California.

Prior to starting, in August of 1996, I was on a one-week road-trip to visit my high-school friend, Emily. Emily had gotten an apartment across the street from Celebrity Centre International.

I drove from Oregon to Apple Valley, south of Los Angeles, for a few days in the sun. Then I headed up to Los Angeles to see Emily. One way or another, I made it to Bridge Publications, over on Franklin Avenue, just a few blocks away from Frank Lloyd Wright’s Hollyhock House.

After the first week or so inside the Sea Organization, I encountered an old acquaintance from The Delphian School. His name is Derek Meyer. I hadn’t seen him for about nine years. We were just little kids, back in Oregon. Now, in 1996, he was a respectable, adult person, and frankly I was impressed and felt I should try to be like him. 

He was fairly over-the-moon about being married to a beautiful, brown-haired lady whose name was Stacy Moxon. Stacy was a part of the Messenger Organization. This gang held the highest level of security clearance. They would be able to access anything. They were respected everywhere in Scientology.

I met Stacy one time. She was walking with Derek. He introduced us to each other. Stacy was very cordial. She kept to herself. She looked like a photograph from the 1940’s. She had really perfect curly brown hair, and a sweet, movie star smile. She was tall and perfect.

I’m not certain when I learned about her death. I believe it was in 2000, perhaps. I was already working at Celebrity Centre International. I attended her memorial service inside the Garden Pavilion. The room was filled with something like three hundred people.

I was no longer near the Messenger’s Organization. I was told that Stacy Moxon had been promoted to International Management a little while before her death. I was told that, while she was there, she was attempting to knock a squirrel off an electrical generator. She fell onto the generator and was killed instantly. That is pretty much word-for-word what I recall as the explanation.

I don’t believe Derek had been with his wife due to her being in the Messenger’s Organization, and Derek needing still to be accepted there. He didn’t have clearance to be at the International Management Organization.

It was terribly sad to witness this tragedy. The loss has shown in Derek’s face ever since. She was a very appreciated member of the group.  

I think about Stacy’s life, and her tragic death, more than I should, probably. It is just too sad to be missed from my mind completely, that’s all. And there was never a printed investigation completed and given to every person who knew her, describing how the accident happened, and how things came to be. That’s part of being in the Sea Organization, and it’s a big missing piece of the puzzle. Otherwise, in such a close living environment, I was at risk. Even just saying the wrong thing can be risky.

Enough said.