Bob Dylan’s 2023 “Fragments: Time Out Of Mind Sessions (1996-1997)” Is Wonderfully Rare and Collectible
Nobel Laureate Bob Dylan released the 17th Volume of his Bootleg Series as of 27 January, 2023. His 5-volume CD set, or the 10-LP vinyl edition, or the digital version which rumbles on with six-plus hours of listening time, is entitled “Fragments: Time Out of Mind Sessions (1996-1997).” There’s no telling yet, but this could be Dylan’s best because it’s already been my favorite, and is now my go-to album for starting and just catching that spectral ride. In “Fragments,” Dylan has delivered a cohesive musical collection, ever brand-new, from start to finish.
In the heat (Miami, Florida), Bob Dylan spent days upon days (1996-1997) combing sound tracks with producer Daniel Lanois. Their collaborations certainly delivered, culminating with 1997’s artfully subdued yet mindfully explosive album, “Time Out Of Mind.” Catching fire globally, “Time Out of Mind” is regularly hailed as Dylan’s finest work. It’s eleven tracks earned the acclaimed singer/songwriter three more Grammy awards in 1998. Notable performances of the songs are by Adele (Make You Feel My Love), Bonnie Raitt (Dirt Road Blues), and David Bowie and Joan Osborne who each re-recorded Tryin’ To Get To Heaven.
Twenty-five years after the release of “Time Out Of Mind”, “Fragments: Time Out Of Mind Sessions (1996-1997)” is the sacramental continuation of Dylan’s revelations. “Fragments” is also a Bootleg Series collectible by Columbia Records and Legacy Recordings. The first in the Bootleg Series was Dylan’s 1991 album release of “The Bootleg Series, Vol 1-3: Rare and Unreleased 1961-1991”. Bootleg Series continue to expand for the fans Dylan’s historic catalog.
Lava can and does sometimes slowly roll. Sixty separate tracks are on the digital rendition of this beauty. Something like forty versions of the original eleven songs from “Time Out Of Mind” are included. Plus, songs that didn’t make the original album release, are now included in “Fragments,” in studio versions and also the live performances: The Water Is Wide, Red River Shore, Not Dark Yet, Mississippi, and Marchin’ To the City.
Dylan is the American songwriter who reminds us that, occasionally, there’s a single person putting out a tremendous musical history. So much content oozing like fire and molten rock from a single source seems almost dishonest in a world where Grammys fly out for hits records with scores of writers’ credits tumbling all over the place. If there ever was a superhuman protecting the music industry, something like what Tom Cruise has become in the American acting profession, it’s Dylan, fierce and alone.
As I search for words to conclude, this writer’s social media feed produces a video by @astrovoyagers. Distracted, I watch: “Jupiter Has protected Earth for a millennia.” And something about the accompanying video reminds me of Dylan’s multi-national esoteric impact in his endless musical stardom.
Written By Corinne Devin Sullivan, New York, NY, 9 February 2023